Patio Cleaning
Patio cleaning isn’t really at the top of the weekend to do list. It can be an arduous job and without the right kit can potentially damage your patio and result in costly repairs
Why patio cleaning is important
There’s no denying that a clean patio brings about a certain sense of well being. Nothing beats staying on top of the more ugly chores in life.
The benefits of a clean patio extend way beyond this, however. It can ensure your patio stays in great condition for longer and help keep at bay any costly repair work.
Slippery surfaces
Patio cleaning is the solution if you’re struggling with a slippery surface when you have your friends around for a BBQ. Bacteria and moisture on your patio and the cracks in between leads to moss and algae build up. This is the ‘dirt’ you see on your patio, and is incredibly slippery when wet, or even dry.
Soft washing for patios
Our soft washing methods are the best approach to patio cleaning. Not only do we leave your patio sparkling clean, but we also treat the root cause of the dirt to prevent it returning as quickly as before.
Our pretreatment is applied to your patio and penetrates the porous sub-surface, working its way to the source of the dirt and into the cracks and crannies. We then finish the washing process, leaving your patio sparkling and sanitised.
Better than pressure washing
Patio cleaning with a pressure washer is the most popular approach. However, as you’ll know if you’ve ever tried it, this can lead to damage of the patio slabs themselves, and the sand in between the slabs.
Our soft washing methods are non-destructive, meaning you can expect to find your patio in the same condition as you left it – just a lot cleaner!
Lasting finish
Our soft washing method ensures a cleaner patio for longer than the pressure washing alternative. We’ll also replace or add any sand to the spaces between the paving stones as required, leaving your patio looking brand new.